RF Online Asia Game Policies

1. General In-game Policy

Aspect Details
Policy Summary The following policies are structured under the mutual agreement between RF Online Asia and CCR Inc., applied to all users accessing the RF Online game title. Adherence to these policies is mandatory, and failure to comply will result in consequences and/or punishments.
Policy Revision RF Online Asia and CCR Inc. reserve the right to revise, discard, or edit these policies, which will be announced via the forum and main website. Both companies are not responsible for any inconveniences or penalties due to non-compliance with the latest policies.
Duty of Game Masters (GMs) GMs are responsible for resolving in-game issues and maintaining fairness. They are authorized to penalize users involved in hacking, trolling, bug abuse, scamming, offensive language, etc. Suspicious players may be temporarily banned during investigations.

2. Reporting Process Procedure

Aspect Details
Investigation Timeline Approximately 7 business days, with a finalized decision within 15 business days.
Response Time GMs aim to respond within 48 hours, but case complexity may extend processing time.
Required Information
  • Player(s) involved
  • Video/screenshot evidence
  • Date and time
  • Detailed explanation of the situation

3. Restriction Chart

Violation 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt
Abusing Bugs/Errors 7 Day - Permanent Ban - -
Any activity used for personal profit or causing damage to others by exploiting in-game bugs/errors can result in a permanent ban.
  • Duplicating items by exploiting in-game glitches
  • Causing damage or loss of others by using in-game glitches
  • Exploiting bugs
Map/Terrain Glitches 3 Day Ban & Delevel 7 Day Ban & Delevel 14 Day Ban (with Delevel) - Permanent Ban
The use of map/terrain glitches to gain EXP is prohibited and treated as bug abuse. Report suspicious players with video/screenshots.
Game Exploits 1 Day Ban 3 - 7 Day Ban 30 Day - Permanent Ban
Game exploits are mechanics deliberately manipulated to the player's advantage. Examples include:
  • Acquiring/using unauthorized items
  • Entering restricted areas (e.g., low-level character in high-level map)
  • Using items in unintended ways
  • Luring Pit Bosses out of their spawn range
Severe exploits may result in consequences under "Abusing Bugs/Errors."
Illegal Program Use 7 Day Permanent Ban -
The use of cheat tools (e.g., Cheat Engine, Moonlight Engine) is against terms of service. Suspected players may face a temporary ban during investigations. Examples include:
  • Third Party Programs(eg. RF Helper, RF Clicker, Macros)
  • Item transfer across races
  • Speed/Fly/Map hacks
  • Defense/Armor hacks
Cash Trade Attempt 7 Day Ban 30 Day Ban Permanent Ban
Any trade/sale attempts in chat, bulletin boards, or forums may lead to bans. Examples:
  • Inputting map names, phone numbers, or numbering sequences in chat
  • Advertising illicit trades
  • Creating characters for in-game currency trade
Council Abuse Inactive Leader - -
Council who are not attending 2 Consecutive days of Chip War 3 will face swift punishment, including:
  • Removal of Aura
  • Wanted by Race
Reports submitted via tickets or observed in-game will be investigated.
Trade Existing Account Permanent Ban - -
Selling or offering accounts to others will result in a permanent ban.
False Accusations Warning - 3 Day Ban 7 Day Ban 30 Day - Permanent Ban
False reports with intent to harm others or disrupt operations may lead to bans. Examples:
  • Falsely accusing users as hackers
  • Submitting repetitive false tickets
Fraud/Scamming 30 Day - Permanent Ban - -
Examples of fraudulent activities:
  • Receiving items/cash by impersonation
  • Sharing false patch information
  • Deceiving others for items or cash
  • Impersonating a GM or an employee to deceive others for personal profits.
  • * Scamming other players is not allowed at any time. Scamming involves, but is not restricted to, using deception to get items or money from another player. Items lost from being scammed may or may not be recovered, depending on circumstances around the trade. In order to report Scams, please take screenshots or video of your conversation and trade process. Without proper evidence, your request for Scam investigations may be denied.
  • Any attempts to deceive others to claim his or her personal profit/reputation can be subject to a ban from the game. If players are caught in the action of any Ex) Impersonate him/herself to other players to receive items/cash.
Proper evidence (screenshots, videos) is required for investigations.
Advertising 3rd Party Sites Verbal Warning Permanent Ban -
Advertising third-party sites, other private server or games is strictly prohibited.

4. Refund and Recovery Policy

Developer or Publisher Error:

  • If any incident is caused by technical issues of CCR Inc. or RF Online Asia, players will be compensated. The verification process will take time to investigate; however, refund/recovery will be conducted promptly.
  • Items or in-game currencies gained by illicit methods (e.g., hacking, scamming) can be taken away from users.

User Error:

  • Losses caused by the user's failure to adhere to the game system, policies, or announcements are not subject to refund or recovery.
Category Details Recovery Status Note
Character Character(s) deleted by mistake Yes Each character is limited to a one-time recovery
Quest Cannot complete due to specific items being lost during the process No Players must give up the quest and retry
Item Items sold to NPC Yes One-time recovery; money received for that item will be deducted from the inventory
Item Request to discard items that are unable to be discarded Yes Requested items will be discarded permanently
Item Crafted items by mistake No This includes upgraders and talics
Guild Lost items and money saved in the Guild Warehouse during server migration or transfer No No items/money saved in the Guild Warehouse can be retrieved if proper announcements were made before the server migration/transfer
Guild Lost Gold due to scheduled GvG during maintenance Yes Recovery after GMs verify and validate
Promotion Request promotional item/currency after the promotion end No Must be claimed during the promotion period

5. Indecent/Offensive/Inappropriate Posting

Prohibited Actions Details
- Any information that invades/violates a certain company personnel/assets or other players. Sharing information that compromises company assets or personnel is strictly prohibited.
- Any postings that are targeting specific person to cause humiliation, embarrassment, insult, disgrace, etc. Posting content that causes humiliation, embarrassment, insult, or disgrace to any individual is not allowed.
- Any postings containing personal info including address, name, email address, etc. of self or others. Content containing personal information is strictly forbidden.
- Any postings containing sexual humiliation. Posts with sexual humiliation are strictly banned.
- Violations of RF Online Asia or CCR Inc. policies Any posts that go against RF Online Asia or CCR Inc. policies are not allowed.